Lucy D'Angelo


Can You Answer "Yes" to All of These Questions?
  1. Are you satisfied with your commission structure?
  2. Do you have other ways within your company to earn various streams of income?
  3. Does your company offer effective training and coaching that addresses the many aspects of the business?
  4. Does your Broker offer free, one-on-one consulting focused on you and your business?
  5. Is your office environment conducive to sharing information and are you satisfied with the support staff in your office?
  6. Are you well leveraged in your business so you can focus on “your most important daily 20%”?
  7. Does your company keep you well informed of the industry and offer ways for you to maintain your competitive edge?
  8. Do you manage your business well and maintain balance between your business, family, and recreation?
  9. Does your company support your business with website technology that directly links your clients and customers to you?
Would you like me to contact you to set up a time and present how Keller Williams can answer yes to all of the questions above? If so, please contact me here.